Dr. Michael Lichtenberg and Dr. Konstantinos Stavroulakis outline the IVUS technical characteristics and the rationale for using IVUS to complement angiography in PAD intervention. Namely, basic imaging of IVUS; what they see during an IVUS procedure, how can you interpret the imaging in your everyday practice in your cath lab, and how it is important to use IVUS in the treatment of PAD.
Hello, everybody. My name is a coincidence of relax. I am a vascular surgeon and together with Dr Michael it number. Whose? And geologist. I'm very happy. Oh, to introduce you to the basic ideas tutorial. Aim off. This editorial is to show you the basic imaging off. I've news, namely? We're trying Thio, explain what we see during an I wish procedure. How can you interpret ate the emerging in your everyday practice in your cath lab and how it is important to use I I was in the treatment off P D will show you some cases with calcified lesions Dissections from Baltic lesions on D A de end of day. It's important that the end of a tutorial, you will be able to interpret eight this emerging on use I was in your everyday practicing your cath lab. So with this presentation, I would like to give you an introduction off intravascular ultrasound for the role of precision imaging MPD procedures. So we all know about the cons off angiography. The eccentricity off plucks the relative present. The notice the reference segment assessment is difficult to assess with angiography also present intervention complications cannot really get assessed cannot. We cannot determine functional significance off dissections or remaining stenosis. Very well on angiography. The problem with angiography is that especially if we have irregular plaques and angiography ISS because off aluminum Graham very difficult to really assess how? On cross section analysis. Um, the nose is the plaque. The eccentricity off the plug really looks like. And this is the drawback off angiography. I was on the other hand, could give us this information which we need. We got inside information on loom in vessel wall and plaque formation. We can perform validation off anatomical measurements. We can characterize the plaque. We can even say this is a one or pluck. We can clarify Ambiguous Angel's due to their section troubles recently notice it helps to identify true extent off the disease. Investors with diffuse plaque and it guides the intervention toe help to optimize treatment strategies. This is how I was. Looks like it gives us into the information we need about the vessel. Here. You can see the catheter in the in the lower part off the vessel. You can identify the media you can see in tema and you can see the advantage here This is a typical case example here. The question on the angiography on Lumina Graffiti. Do we deal with this section here? Do we have calcium? Do we have troubles, or is it a significant stenosis? This is quite difficult to just say on this Plainview angiography. Ivers could give us some more information about these important, um, informations. We need to retreat this lesion. We can learn. If this dissection here it's may be severe. We can learn about the calcium is the troubles or, if you have to stand in here, is instant restenosis. And how severe is the instant restenosis? So these are the important fact us what you can see through either size, it ISS vessel size plaque, mythology, the geometry, and you can learn where your guide by our precision ISS Is it into intra Luminal or is this sub internal? There are different catheters available to perform intravascular ultrasound in a different part of the body's. There are very small, um, catheters available in 14 catheter, especially for coronary indications or below the knee. Indications you can use the 18 Visions PV catheter, especially for the federal public. It'll segment and the very large one Division P B 0 35 especially for Arctic interventions or Venus intervention. This is through the idea behind seeing from the inside you can learn about the inside the and you can learn what you should do in the next step to treat the vessel.