Turbo-Power AngioSculpt peripheral case study
Case study: Turbo-Power and AngioSculpt in calcified SFA with Dr. Ehrin Armstrong
Phoenix Montero-Baker case study
Case study: recanalization of occlusion in the superficial femoral artery via a 6F sheath with Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker
Phoenix Mangalmurti case study
Case study: Recanalization of occlusions in the common femoral artery ostium and superficial femoral artery via a 6F sheath
A message to healthcare providers about PAD and PVD
Foluso Fakorede, MD believes it is important to screen patients with at risk factors, such as heart disease, tobacco use, high blood pressure, checking the feet etc.
Prevenative measures for PAD
Foluso Fakorede, MD, explains that is important to take precautions and preventative measures as certain symptoms of PAD could be contributed to 'old age' but could lead to something much more serious.
What is PAD with Dr. Foluso Fakorede
Foluso Fakorede, MD, explains what is PAD, peripheral arterial disease and how it effects more people than most are aware of.
Ann Bowie's story with peripheral artery disease
Ann Bowie, a patient of Foluso Fakorede, MD, shares her story with PAD and how her painful symptoms kept her from living the type of life she wanted.
How Does Philips Help you "Treat Optimally?"
George Adams, MD, explains why it is important to "Treat Optimally" in his practice. He believe Philips allows him to personalize care for each of his patients with the tools given to him.
September is peripheral arterial disease (PAD) awareness month
Foluso Fakorede, MD, explains that PAD is the most prevalent, chronic, deadly disease that most Americans have never heard about, while trying to spread awareness.
Linda Amos' story with peripheral artery disease
Linda Amos, a patient of Foluso Fakorede, MD, shares her story of how she learned about her PAD from a health fair in her community of Cleveland, MS.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) awareness message to America
Foluso Fakorede, MD sends a message to America for PAD awareness, fear it like cancer. PAD effects 20 million people.
PVD with Dr. Craig Walker
Dr. Craig Walker, Interventional Cardiologist at Cardiovascular Institute of the South, provides statistics about the commonality of Peripheral Vascular Disease.